Hello everyone! Today was such a busy day for me. I'm planning to have a garage sale this coming weekend and have been working all day trying to get things ready. I had no idea that this much work was involved when it comes to having one! As you can guess, it'll be my first sale ever. lol I have too much clutter that it's time to have this. I hope to sell it all! lol
We've also been running around with our oldest son. He is looking for a car. He tried to order a Camaro but wasn't even allowed to. They have ordered all the cars they're willing to accept. (whatever that means, LOL) Anyway, he really does need a dependable car by the time we move him where he'll be attending medical school. So we looked at some Chargers. Aren't they pretty? Of course I won't tell son that the car is pretty. lol I do tell him that it looks like a good car. We also looked at some Challengers. What a hard choice he has to make.
I'm getting close to finishing my dining room too. I got many ideas from some of your blogs that I felt inspired to make mine pretty. :) I'll post pictures after this weekend. I did take some quick pictures of one of my china cabinets. lol I'll be sure and take more pictures though.
I love this lamp. Dh and I went to a little town named Fredericksburg, Tx and went shopping there. I saw this lamp and had to have it. :)
I had gone to Ross and saw this set and of course I had to have it. Simply because it has roses on them.

Oh! I hope you all don't mind me sharing a picture of my garland. I made this for Valentine's Day. The big hearts are made of fabric. :)

A close up of the hearts. :)
I hope no one minded my old pictures from Valentine's Day. :D
Have a wonderful Monday night.