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Friday, May 29, 2009
Angels Here on Earth (Hopeful Friday)

Thursday, May 28, 2009
Flaunt Your Reds!
Hello! Welcome to Flaunt Your Reds. Our host this month is the lovely Stacey at Poofing the Pillows. Please visit her blog for a list of all the participants. http://poofingthepillows.blogspot.com/
Last time I participated for the 1st time and showed you all my fireplace among other reds. :)
This time I’d like to show you one of my walls in my kitchen. It is the same color as my fireplace. That is my soon to be medical student son sitting outside enjoying the rain. :) From looking at this picture, I think I need to add something above the entryway, don’t you think? A picture, a topper, something. lol
See the chandelier? I’d like to paint it and after reading someone’s blog about her painting her chandelier, I’m even more determined to paint mine. :)
As you can tell, I love roosters! I am looking forward to changing my ugly counter top and backsplash! Aaah, someday….sigh……..
Then we go to my bedroom. I love the red panels with the zebra panels. I made the zebra panels myself. :) And there is my sewing machine. It is just a few months old. If you’re ever in the market for a sewing machine, look into getting a Janome. Please excuse the exercise machine. *blush*
I hope you guys enjoy all the reds. Please visit the other participants of Flaunt Your Reds :)
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Outdoor Wednesday
Hello! Welcome to Outdoor Wednesday hosted by the lovely Susan at A Southern Daydreamer. Please visit her blog for a complete listing of participants. http://asoutherndaydreamer.blogspot.com/
I’d like to share my honeysuckle. I love sitting in this corner of my garden to drink my cup of coffee or just to relax. :)
And look at my grapes! They are coming along just fine. :)
I hope everyone has a happy Wednesday. :)
Three or More Tuesday!
Welcome to Three or More Tuesday hosted by the lovely Tam at http://gypsycorner.blogspot.com Please visit the link to see the other participants’ posts.
Today I’d like to show my red and white plates.
I love red and white transferware! These of course are not the real thing but I still like them. :)
Don’t forget to visit the link I provided for ya! :)
Monday, May 25, 2009
Happy Memorial Day!
The uniform that you adorn,
A piece of our heritage proudly worn.
Doing what you have to do,
Serving our nation brave and true.
You're putting your life upon the line
To protect this simple life of mine.
Our country will stand behind you as one,
For our colors do not run.
The proud and the courageous are but a few.
Our hearts and thanks go out to you!
B.G. Wetherby
My 11 yr old son memorized this poem and recited at school in honor of his uncle. My Brother in law is now retired from the Army. :)
To all the men and women who have fought so that we may have freedom.
My prayers are with Johnny Mata’s wife and family. He was my husband’s cousin. 2nd cousin, I believe? You are in our prayers.
My flag is flying proudly! Old Glory is truly beautiful.
I hope everyone has a blessed and happy Memorial Day!
Saturday, May 23, 2009
My Recycled Red Wagon!
Hi y’all! Check out what I worked on today! My older boys played and played with this wagon when they were very young. They’re now in their twenties. lol I didn’t want to just throw it away, kwim? It was too special to do that. So I thought of recycling it and planted some pretties in it. :) I love it!!
I can’t wait until the pretties really take off and fill it up. :)
Have a good night! Gotta get to bed to get up early for church. Everyone have a blessed Sunday.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Hopeful Friday
Welcome to Hopeful Friday. Hopeful Friday is hosted by the lovely Cielo, at http://houseinroses.blogspot.com/
Please visit the link above to visit other participants. Thank you Cielo for hosting this lovely post.
Hello, my blogger friends! I am so happy that I joined the blogging world. I have learned a lot from you all. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. :)
This butterfly bush is hoping for butterflies. I’m sure they will visit soon. :)
As I work in my garden, I feel the assurance that God is always near if we pay attention. We see a miracle in the rosebud as it is about to open up. We see a miracle in everything green when it starts raining. Everything looks brighter, shinier….happier. :) Yay! It has been raining all day. We are expecting rain tomorrow as well. Woohoo! Thank you GOD! Thank you!
My Oleanders are singing for joy. :)
And finally….I made a card just for you all. :) I hope everyone has a lovely “Memorial Day” :)
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
My Blog Makeover!
I changed my page and header! Hope you all like it! Whew! That was some work! :) Slowly but surely, I’m learning the techniques of blogging.
It’s time for my beauty sleep!
Have a good night!
Outdoor Wednesday…Aaaah The Country Life.
Hello! Welcome to Outdoor Wednesday hosted by the lovely Susan at A Southern Daydreamer. Please visit her blog for a complete listing of participants. http://asoutherndaydreamer.blogspot.com/
I debated on what pictures to show you :D I thought you’d enjoy these.
We live out in the country in a little subdivision. We not only enjoy watching people walk their dogs but we also enjoy watching people walk their cows! :D That’s right! We love the country life. :) Aren’t they cute?! I’m sorry that the picture is not all that clear. I saw these people walking their calves so I ran inside to get my camera! lol
I took this picture another day. We were outside when these two cowboys passed right by us. :) I course I ran to get my camera. I’m going to have to keep my camera right beside me every time I am outside! lol
And last but not least! Look I have squash growing already! :) Yippee! I am a city girl living in the country and these little things bring a smile to my face.
Well I hope you guys enjoyed the country life. :)
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Beautiful Day!
I just had to post my little thoughts this morning. What a wonderful day today is! I woke up to this song in my mind! I Could Sing of Your Love Forver…My soul rejoices in the LORD. My soul sings to you, Heavenly Father! My soul gives praises to you LORD!
If you’d like to watch this video just turn my music on my blog off. I really think you’ll enjoy this video.
Do you ever wake up with such a desire to praise and worship our HEAVENLY FATHER? I do, day after day. :) If you ever go thru trials, do not forget that HE will not forsake us. Hold on to HIM. HE will take care of us. Keep your faith on HIM. I truly believe in this. Do not give up.
I hope everyone is having a wonderful and blessed day. I’m going to work in my garden and sing to the LORD. :)
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Blue Monday
Hello! Welcome to Blue Monday hosted by Sally at Smiling Sally. Please visit her blog for a complete list of participants. http://smilingsally.blogspot.com/
Today I’m going to share my mother in law’s blues. She has many many blues. :)
First is this pot. I think it is pretty!
I love this lamp. She has had it for a long time.
Check this out. I love it.
These candlesticks are beeeaaauutiful! :)
I hope you enjoyed some of my MIL’s blues. :)
Happy Blue Monday!
Friday, May 15, 2009
A small request…
A small request.. Just one line
Dear God, I pray for the cure of cancer. Amen
She passed away Wednesday May 13th 2009. Martha was a dedicated Dallas Cowboys fan and loved to travel. She was a wonderful wife, mother, grandmother and friend. Martha was fun to be around and always dressed to perfection. She touched everyone who knew her. I’m sure she will watch over all who love her. We love you and will never forget you!
Monday, May 11, 2009
Today’s Thrifty Finds
I’m happy to participate in “Today’s Thrifty Finds” hosted by Rhoda @ http://southernhospitality-rhoda.blogspot.com/ Please visit her blog to see the other participants’ awesome finds.
I went to yard sales Friday and found just a few things. My 1st find is this victorian looking picture. It is beautiful! I am debating whether to paint it white or leave it the color it is now. What do you you think?
And check this out. I have no idea what it’s for but I love it. It is like 3 cups intertwined with each other. I could place pretty flowers in them. :)
I love this little creamware gravy bowl. :)
And this vase. Pretty! Pretty!
Don’t forget to check the other awesome finds @http://southernhospitality-rhoda.blogspot.com/
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Special Day Yesterday
What a special day yesterday was. :) My oldest son graduated from the university he was attending. He has a degree in Biology now. :) Major in Biology and minor in Chemistry. He graduated Summa Cum Laude which means “with highest honor" (direct translation: "with highest praise. My son has a 4.0 GPA in all 4 yrs of university. We are very proud of him. As I said on my profile, he will start medical school in the fall of 2009. He wants to be a pediatrician. I am in awe at how much he has learned and how determined he is to become a doctor. :) He has always dreamed of becoming a doctor. I was going thru his photo album book and there is a letter I wrote to him in 1998. In this letter I told him how caring he was towards people and what a great doctor he’d be. He was only 11 yrs old then. lol Time flies so quickly. So everyone that has children…treasures the moments with your children. They grow up too fast.
This is he. I yelled his name and he turned around. I quickly took a picture. :D
This morning I woke up to a pleasant surprise. My kids went shopping with dad and bought a necklace for me. They also bought a dvd just for me. :) I had been wanting to buy “Mama Mia” so that is what they bought for me. I can’t wait to watch it! :) I’ve heard it’s a good movie. Has anyone watched it? They also bought a beautiful Mother’s Day card.
To all the mothers out there.
I hope you all had a wonderful and Happy Mother’s Day. :)
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Outdoor Wednesday…. Somewhat Southwest
Yay! I’m happy to participate in Outdoor Wednesday again! :) Please visit the lovely Susan @ http://asoutherndaydreamer.blogspot.com/ to see other participants’ outdoor lovelies.
I’d like to introduce mr sunshine. He is on my outside wall in front of my house. As you can see. A bird has started building a little nest in the mouth. lol
I love these pots. They’re huge and sooo outdoorsy looking! :)
Check out these Red Yucca! And of course the rocks in front of them. :) We just planted those today. :) Someday they will be big and tall. :) Our grass is barely starting to green up.
I love these recycled tree stumps. We placed them in front of 2 trees we have out front.
And last but not least. I also bought these 2 ferns today! They are huge and only paid 5.88 per fern! This one is mine and the 2nd picture is for my mother-in-law for Mother’s Day. :)
Well I hope you guys enjoy my pictures that were mainly southwest.