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Thursday, December 17, 2009

It's Thursday!

Hi Friends! What plans do you have for this beautiful day?

Do you ever wonder why all the hoopla of decorating for Christmas? Well this is the reason why I do it. Christmas is my favorite time of the year. We are preparing for the most important birthday. The birth of Jesus. The King of Kings. :) We want our boys to always remember the reason for the season. :)


My three youngest boys participate in the Christmas pageant at our parish for Christmas Eve. This year my eleven yr old will be one of the three wise men and he will also be a reader. His part will be the second reading during Mass. My twins have a part in the pageant too. They will be the innkeepers. :) It is such a special time for all of us. I will definitely be taking pictures like a proud mama and post them for you all. :)

Wonderful memories. :)

I may not post until I get back from Houston. I am taking a flight to Houston and do some shopping with my oldest son and then we'll be driving home. As you may recall, he is in medical school in Houston. He has one more final exam tomorrow (Friday) and that’s it! We are very proud of him! First semester is just about over! I will definitely take my camera and take some pictures over there.

A special note to Ashley from I will especially be thinking and praying for you while I'm there, my friend. God Bless You....& Hugs.

Have a wonderful day, my friends!



Country Wings in Phoenix said...

Oh Sandra...
Have a wonderful trip over to Houston and a lovely drive back with your son. Enjoy this quiet time to visit together. I am so tickled for you.

You have 3 in the pageant to keep up with this year. Boys will keep you hopping. A wisemen and innkeepers. I so love it. I hope you will post pictures.

Our oldest grandchild, Elyse was born on Christmas Day. I have told her she was an angel, as only an angel could share this day with our Dear Heavenly Father. She will be 14 this year. My how the time has flown.

I love your nativity scene sweetie. It is just beautiful. Thank you for sharing as always I so enjoy popping in for a visit.

Country hugs sweetie...Sherry

Anonymous said...

Have a wonderful trip!

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Hope you had a great trip, Sandra!

What did I do? I went to the funeral of a WWII veteran (a hero) who will be sorely missed. I was so glad to see a very full church to honor his memory.

