What a beautiful day this is! It is calm and peaceful and I feel the love. The love from wonderful friends and family. This love that we feel towards one another comes from God. :) I truly believe that. God’s love for us is even more intensified. HE LOVES US! HE wants the best for us! In the midst of your day, listen. Listen because HE wants to talk to us. HE will guide us thru. Find time to sit and reflect on the blessings you are given each day. Thank the LORD for them. Praise HIM at all times.
Every person we bump into, people that we meet, that made such an impression in your heart, you can bet it came from GOD. I truly believe that.
I got the sweetest call when I was sick with the flu and strep throat from a blogger friend. Her name is Rose @ http://my-bella-rosa.blogspot.com/ What a coincidence that we basically have the same name to our blog! I love her blog name! :) We talked for good while. I’m sure my voice sounded horrible but she never complained. I thank you, Rose. She said my voice sounds like a little girl’s voice. I thought “What? Even with the way it sounds now?” lol Rose, you really made my day when you called, amiga. I need to call you now that I sound normal.
I hope everyone is having a wonderful day full of love.
That is so nice Sandra. Glad to hear your feeling better. I love your Mary garden, it is so gorgeous! I got my wire cloche at a local gift shop. I had looked all over and then I found it in this little dinky town. Thanks for coming by too, Cindy
What a wonderful surprise for her to call you when you were sick. I am sure it meant so much to you.
Thank you for stopping by my blog.
HI Sandra! Hope you are better now. Thanks so much for coming by my blog....what a lovely blog you have! I enjoyed perusing your posts and your projects. All of them lovely. Hope your day is blessed and filled with love from God!
Thank you for giving me something to think about during this Lenten season. This is a beautiful post. I am so glad that you are feeling better too.
Enjoy the weekend and see you again soon.
Best wishes,
Hi Sandra, What a nice post! I hope you are feeling better. I love your Mary garden! Mine is on a little hill with ivy and myrtle and on the other side on a hill is my St. Francis statue. I love the flowers, but in our rocky soil it is hard to grow them. I am really trying to make that area more accessible to quiet prayer, etc. I will try flowers again this year, though.
So glad you are feeling better- how sweet of Rose to call you!! When I had the incident with the rattlesnake last year- several blog friends wrote- one came and visited me in ICU even- so many wonderful sisters out there!!
How kind of Rose to call you. Your Mary garden is so beautiful. It makes me want spring so bad. I know what you mean about the color of something not speaking to you. I have painted, repainted and repainted things over and over and over. But that topper is beautiful. Rosie
How sweet of her Sandra! I hope you continue to feel better.
Thank you for your kindness. I always enjoy seeing a comment from you.
~Blessings, ~Melissa :)
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