It’s Outdoor Wednesday. Please visit the lovely Susan at for more “Outdoor Wednesday” participants.
On our way back from Houston, we decided to visit Fredericksburg, Tx. Fredericksburg is a little tourist town and we love spending time there. We went to Wildseed Farms, a nursery right outside of Fredericksburg. OMGosh! It has acres and acres of flowers! I almost jumped the fence to try to get closer! JK. Anyway, this is the entrance to a part of the nursery. 
I love all the different types of plants they have!
Some Crape Myrtles.
More Crape Myrtles! I bought two of them for my yard!
I’d love to have rocks like these in my yard! 
Another rock.
And yet another rock. :)
This is right outside to the entrance of the building. :) Pretty!
And on to the acres of flowers! There were tons of sunflowers!
A little bit more close to the sunflowers. :)
See what I mean? Tons of flowers!
Such pretties!
More. I would have liked to have gotten closer but there is a fence that keeps people from getting too close to the flowers.
I hope you all enjoyed the little tour of Wildseed Farms If you are ever in the area of Fredericksburg, Tx, make sure to stop by this nursery. :)
Happy OW!